💃Calling all lovers of Dance & Movement!
🎆Adrian Lobo's first comprehensive Online Dance Course is now officially here! ☯Pop&Unlock: The Energy Within Volume 1 ✔With 30+ Videos on Pure instruction + Bonus Material ✔over 6.5 Hours of Material ✔This course is designed to get you started on the Popping & Animation Dance Path with clear & concise instruction so that you have the proper foundations and fundamentals. ✔The Path is clearly laid out for you in such a way so that you have a bird eye view of the dance in its entirety while also giving you a chance to choose where you want to go with it. ✔This course is designed for the absolute beginner with no experience to the intermediate dancer who wants to polish up their skills. ✔You will also be learning a new yet ancient approach to the Dance that fuses it with ancient wisdom and a holistic philosophy ☯Get your foundations through Yin & Yang (FREE) -Yin: the Groove w/ Grooving Drills -Yang: the Move /w Dimestop Drills -Yin: the Groove w/ intermediate warm up Yang: the Move w/ Isolation Drills 🌍Enter the 5 elemental mother styles and learn concepts such as: 🌊Water-Waving: The Arm Wave, The Body Wave, and the Trace Wave 💨Wind-Tutting: The King Tut, Box Tuts, and the Grid Tuts 🔥Fire-Popping & Boogaloo: Hitting, Popping Angles, and Boogaloo Basics 🗻Earth-Footwork Heal & Toe Drills, Gliding, Slides, and Footwork Combo's ⚡Lightning-Animation Robotics, Advanced Isolations, Ticking & Strobing ✔Click the Link below to learn everything you need to know about the course, pricing, and how to get started! https://www.adrianlobo.net/popunlock-course-series.html May the Dance Force be with you, See you in the Dojo, Adrian Lobo
In my upcoming Online Jedi Dance Academy (Launching in 5 more days!!!) I teach you ways to bend and move with the 5 elements of Nature. We begin with this: The Dancer is the Mover of Energy. Through this knowing, we can understand that Energy is manifested in 5 spectrums known as the Elemental Forces which guide, direct, and create life as we know it. The Dancer can then choose which element to play with and infuse their movement these forces, that being: Fire, Earth, Water, Wind, and Lightning (depending on the system of thought used). In the Tao-Pop Dance system, the 5 elemental forces of nature are manifested through the 5 Mother Styles that comprise all of Popping & Animation dance styles. They are: Water-Waving: an illusional dance that creates continuous waves traversing through the body. It utilizes liquid like isolations and undulations to create a very flowy and watery effect through the body. Wind-Tutting: A geometric dance that utilizes the body to create patterns of straight lines, 90 degree angles, geometries, and many other shapes. Tutting moves along the Grid, a geometric plane consisting of the x, y, and z axis which naturally sounds everything in creation. The Tutter is the artist of the Grid. Fire-Popping/Boogaloo: the original & traditional dance-form of popping that utilizes the continuous “hitting” technique. Hitting is what creates the Pop like effect in the body by utilizing the quick contraction and release of various muscles in the body, thus generating a high amount of internal heat. The boogaloo style is the funkiest of the dance styles and generates the most "soulful" feeling in the dancer. Earth-Footwork: a lower body dance style that is not specific but in reference to the world of footwork and ground dancing. Footwork in popping ranges from stepping patterns, marches, slides, balancing, spins, glides, moving along the ground on knee, or lying completely on the ground. and Lightning-Animation: Animation styles are considered to be the most "unreal" and "animated" looking of the styles. Its foundational style is the Robot, which is a highly technical dance that mimicks the movements of robotics, mechanical engineering, and other forms of technology. It utilizes various isolations, high body control, and gimmickry to capture the look and feel of a robot. These styles are not limited to the associated elements, but are simply the archetypal manifestations of these Natural Forces. In higher advanced training we learn to fuse multiple elements together to create more advanced movements. If you are interested in learning more about these 5 elemental mother styles, I will be releasing an online course that will cover the basics and fundamentals for each style on August 19th, 2018. You can visit my website and subscribe to my newsletter to be the first to learn about my upcoming course! www.adrianlobo.net You can also learn more about the course by visiting my landing page here: https://www.adrianlobo.net/popunlock-course-series.html Until next time, May the Dance of the Dao be with you All, Adrian Lobo ~ In my upcoming Online Dance School, (Launching August 19th - 6 more days!!!) I am hereby Introducing a New yet Ancient Dance style to the scene. I call it Tao-Pop.
Taoism + Popping (Pop'Lock) = Tao-Pop This unique methodology and approach to the Popping dance style fuses it with the wisdom, philosophy, and practices of Taoism (pronounced Daoism). Taoism is an ancient philosophy, having originated from the far East, that values one to live in accordance with the Tao aka "The Way"; i.e the Way of the Universe, the Way Nature operates, the Way God/Creator/Source has designed all of Creation itself. It teaches us concepts such as Yin & Yang (living in balance and harmony), the 5 elements (understanding the Natural forces of Life), and the I-Ching (understanding the phases and changes of Life). The Taoist Masters who had obtained the Tao were considered to be Masters of Energy who have achieved incredible abilities such as healing, controlling the weather, flying, teleportation, immortality, and so much more. Tao-Pop is a system of dance that takes these concepts within Taoism and applies them to the Popping & Animation Dance styles. In my research and experiences I have discovered that the structure of Popping Dance style and the structure of Taoism can seamlessly and perfectly blend into each other. The following are examples of this, and at the same time, a type of Table of Contents showing the overall structure of the Tao-Pop system: 0: We begin with the Tao. The Dancer empties themself of all thought and emotion. Finding the stillness within movement and movement within stillness. 1: From the Tao emerges the 1, Creator/God/Source. The Dancer invokes the divinity within and aligns with God-Consciousness. Every movement and Dance expression is thus guided by the Tao. 2: Yin & Yang, the Polarities of Life. The Dancer thus explores how Yin & Yang manifests within movement, such as The Groove & The Move. 3. The 5 Elements: The Dancer then explores the 5 elements of Nature and how they express themselves through the 5 Mother Styles of Popping & Animation: Water: Waving Wind: Tutting Fire: Popping & Boogaloo Earth: Footwork Lightning: Animation & Robotics 4. The 8 Trigrams. The Dancer then studies the 8 virtues of Dance that help one obtain mastery -Power: Mastering the level of power vs subtelty in movement and being able to maintain energy control -Creativity: Mastering the ability to be creative and dynamic through dance -Musicality: Mastering the ability to interpret the music accurately -Health: Mastering the physical health, stamina, flexibility, and strength of the Dancer's body -Grace: Mastering the ability to have beauty in movement, balance, coordination, and proper form & structure -Charisma: Mastering the ability to have character, channel your emotion, and shapeshift into different identities through dance. -Storytelling: Mastering the ability to tell stories through dance and being able to seamlessly link one move with the next in a way that makes sense. -Emptiness: Mastering the ability to surrender and let go into the Music. This is the ability to enter the Flow state and eventually "merge with the Tao" through dance. 5. The 5 Dance Paths: The Dancer studies the different Path's one can take on this Path. The Magician: One who Dances to Perform for audiences The Warrior: One who Dances to Compete and enter Battles The Healer/Shaman: One who Dances to Heal themselves and others The Architect: One who Dances to be in community and choreograph with teams The Monk: One who studies the history of Dance and is a teacher of Dance The Sage: One who has mastered All Dance Paths and achieves Enlightenment through Dance And so here we have the overall structure of the Tao-Pop system. If you would like to learn more and hear me describe the system in more detail, I will be having a Livestream this Saturday August 18th. On the day after, August 19th, I will be officially launching my comprehensive Online Dance School where you can learn the foundations of my unique Tao-Pop System. It is my hope that this unique system and approach to the Pop'lock dance style not only teaches you the proper foundations and fundamentals of the dance, but also leads you into a deeper awareness and experience of dance, movement, and life itself. Stay tuned for more! For each day until launch I will be revealing more about my unique system. If you would like to be among the first to learn about my unique system of dance, then visit my website and subscribe to my Newsletter!! www.adrianlobo.net Until then, May the Dance of the Dao be with you~ When I was born, as early as I can remember, I had a very strong sense of spirituality and connection with the Divine. My family was Catholic and when I became apart of the Church I immediately felt a divine calling to become apart of the Church Choir and sing hymns of God. This sense of spirituality was my guiding light in life, but when I reached my teenage years I experienced my "Dark Night of the Soul". When I was around 13 years old I experienced a series of extremely emotionally difficult circumstances. I had several experiences surrounding the Death of my loved ones, mostly my Grandfather, my Uncle, and a dear cousin of mine. Also my Father was never around in my life, having been incarcerated most of his life, and at the same time I had a step-father who was emotionally abusive and cheating on my Mother. Worst of all was that I was experiencing the harshest heart-break of my life; I had fallen in Love with a girl who didn't love me back and called me "fat and ugly". This was the hardest of all my trials and led me down a very dark path of sadness and despair.
Because of this despair I found myself starving myself to the point of malnutrition. I was so malnourished I lost all my weight and became diagnosed as an Anorexic. Also all the stress and depression in my life caused me to start losing my hair only at age 14. I went to counselers and psychiatrists but none of it helped me. The Dark night of my Soul all culminated when I got so sick I contracted double-pneumonia, meaning both of my lungs were infected. I was hospitalized for weeks and was brought almost to the point of Death. I had to stay 3 months out of school, and when I returned, I looked completely different. From all the weight of this sickness, heart-break, death and depression surrounding my life...it brought me to such a low state of existence that I denied the very existence of God. I no longer believed and threw my Faith away. I thought to myself, "If there truly is a God out there, then why am I suffering so much? I gave you everything God, I sang for you, I was devoted to you, and here I am suffering, sick, alone, and depressed. There must not be a God. There is no meaning in Life. There is only Chaos. And nothing matters anymore...." I continued to carry this belief all the way through High-School even though I ironically was attending an all-boy Catholic Highschool. I thought all the Religions in the world were BS and that none of it was real. I would be forced to attend Mass with an empty, jaded, and apathetic heart. I truly hated my life. But then something changed. It was when I was in College and at the age of 17 I experienced what some people call a Spiritual Awakening. It all started with a book I was gifted by a friend called "Journeys out of the Body". This book talked about the existence of an Astral Realm where all Spirits reside. It also talked about how we can visit these realms through a technique called Astral Projection. Something in me sparked that day I started reading that book and I thought to myself "If there exists an Astral world, and if there exists Spirits, Ghosts, and Dimensional Beings....then do Angels exist? And if Angels exist does that mean God exists?" I then went on a hunt to search for existence of the Divine and all supernatural evidence of life. I became obsessed with trying to Astral Project and visit the Astral world. I found myself learning to meditate and do exercises I learned from this book. Then one day something interesting happened. I didn't actually Astral Project, but rather, I started to have a series of intense vivid dreams where I was visited by interesting spiritual beings. I then found myself waking full of the night-sweats and would look at the clock and it would be 3:33am. This went on for about 3 weeks straight. I would continue to find myself waking up every single night at the same exact time. At first I thought it was just coincidence, until I started to see the number 333 surround me in my every day life. From this I started to learn about the phenomena of synchronicity and seeing double/triple numbers. I later discovered that these numbers have profound metaphysical implications. These series of experiences then started to re-spark my spirituality and I started to dive a lot deeper into all things spiritual and esoteric. I found myself becoming obsessed with meditation, yoga, energy healing, conspiracies, evidence of the super natural, ancient civilizations, indigenous earth spirituality, and much more. Also around the same time I started to experience this I was also falling in love with the Art of Dance. I became very immersed in dancing and learning to increase my range of bodily expression. Looking back I feel that the two awakenings of my spirituality and love for dance are interrelated and supported one another. From this point on I was back in Full Faith that there is an existence of a "God", or Divine Intelligence, Source, Great Spirit, whatever you want to call it. There was something amazing out there, everywhere, and within me that truly Loves me and all beings. The Path of my Re-Awakening had begun and I am continuing to walk down this path every since. In 2011 at the height of my dance career I found myself leaving everything behind and enrolled myself into a Healing Arts school to develop my spirituality and energetic practices even further. Fast forwarding to my life now, I am a very empowered individual whom has been graced my a plethora of Ancient Wisdom and Esoteric Empowering Knowledge. Most of all I sincerely feel my connection to the Divine is stronger than ever. Looking back at my past I am amazed by what I went through and how I survived. I almost died at one point and my state was so low that I could have almost went off the deep end. But in my reflection I now realize that through it all I truly was protected and watched over by my "Gaurdians" and a divine love that has never left my side. It was only me who couldn't see the full picture of everything. Each and every difficult experience I went through was fundamental to the development of who I am today. I would not take any of my experiences back. I am truly grateful for all the hard times because they made me into the empowered person I am today. And this my friends, is the short story of my transformation. Thank you for reading. And the story has just begun! There is still much more to come! Stay tuned and continue following my journey, for in reading I assure you that many people have much to gain from my experiences and those yet to come. Infinite Blessings to All Sincerely, Adrian Lobo Miramontes The Power of a Question
One of the greatest keys to success in life is knowing how to Ask the Right Questions. Knowing how to ask the right questions will inevitably lead us to the right answers and solutions we seek in life. But so many times in life when we get caught up in our daily problems & life challenges we fail to see the bigger picture. We get so immersed in our issue that we end up feeling stuck in a hole with no seeming way to get out. Then the emotions overwhelm us so much that we fail to see our issue with clarity and nuetrality. If we simply knew how to apply techniques of centering, grounding, and clearing thoughts, then begin the process of self-inquiry, we can then awaken the inner guidance system within. We all have a deep inner wisdom where all solutions and answers are stored. So many times we forget that we have this deep resevoir of wisdom within us and even society at large has forgotten this. We grasp and seek for answers outside of ourselves - and this can serve us in certain ways, but ultimately the true knowing (called Gnosis by the ancient Gnostics) can only be obtained from within. Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo. My favorite mantra. It means "I bow to the Creative Wisdom, I bow to the Divine Teacher within." When shit hits the fan, everything goes wrong, and I don't know what to do next....I love to stop myself, do some breathwork, and chant this mantra to help remind me that all answers reside within and reconnect to my inner Divine Guru/Teacher. But sometimes when we are so INSIDE our problems and situations we don't even have the willpower to try and invoke our inner wisdom. We simply become too stressed out and too tired to even attempt. Thats why we may need to ask for help. We can't always figure everything out on our own. And this is why I love Life Coaching so much. Coaching is not like being a psychologist for someone, or a counseler for someone. I'm not here to project what I think is best for you or pretend like I have all the answers for you. Instead, Coaching guides people through the process of powerful questioning to help guide you to accessing your own inner wisdom. When someone is there to listen to you with an open heart, hold space for you, and give you feedback with impactful questions - the potential for transformation is beyond imagination! Throughout my life I have always been a great question asker to people I meet. I have a genuine curiousity about people no matter who they are. I hold a belief that everyone I come across has something to teach me. Everyone is my teacher, and I can teach something to them as well. Because of this I have decided to put myself out there and offer coaching to anyone in need. I find that this is a very fun and effective way of helping people. Ultimately I am searching for someone who wants to hire me as their Coach for a long-term duration. By having me in your corner to help coach you through lifes challenges, whatever they may be, is something I feel very passionate about and would absolutely love to do. So for those still reading: I'd like to let you know that I am offering free first time life coaching sessions! I am doing a mass rapid fire of coaching this month to get myself out there and for as many people to experience my medicine as possible. So if you have a Life Challenge that you would like to get some insight on - lets set up a call and dive in together! All you have to do is click the link below and schedule a 30 minute call with me at a time that works best for you. https://calendly.com/adrianlobo/30min/05-10-2018 Are you ready for some potent questions? Are you ready to access your inner wisdom? Are you ready for transformation? If so then lets go! I'm excited to get to know you and see how I can serve you. With infinite love and appreciation, Sincerely, Adrian Lobo #question #lifecoaching #coaching Hey Everyone! I'm excited to announce that I will be starting a podcast soon! Although its not fully ready to be anounced yet. So this is just a test. For now, Enjoy this dope track by Clozinger! soundcloud.com/clozinger/clozinger-time?in=clozinger/sets/clozinger-forest-echo-ep ![]()
![]() 4773 N. 20th Street Phoenix, AZ 85016 Recently, I started working a job at an herb and natural medicine store called Chakra 4: Herb Co. This opportunity has set me on a path of studying plant’s and natural medicines more than ever before! I am literally surrounded by hundreds of various herbs and thousands of years of plant knowledge at my disposal. I help people find out about herbal uses and benefits, while tasting various tea’s and subjecting myself through herbal experiments to study their effects. By working with these wonderful plant's, I have been able to develop a relationship with them. Through meditation and listening to my intuition I began to actually communicate with the consciousness of the plant, or in other words, the Plant Spirit. Communicating with a plant is unlike talking to a human. For me, it comes in as impressions, feelings, even images. By communicating with and studying them I began to receive some powerful realizations that I feel compelled to share. The following is a message to us from the Plant kingdom's: ![]() Embrace yourself, for the Great Spring Equinox has arrived! The bees are buzzing, the birds are singing, flowers are blooming and love is in the air! We have reached a time of the year when Day and Night are in equal standing, where there is a balance between the light and the dark. For the ancients, this time of the year was considered the REAL start of the New Year, which makes so much sense because the Sun returns, and there is a sense of fresh renewing energy in the air as opposed to the dead of winter in January when we usually celebrate our New Years. We are often encouraged to have a “New Years Resolution” list to start off our goals strong for the beginning of the year, but energetically it simply does not make sense to start new goals during the winter energy where everything is hibernating, sleeping, and resting. It’s more potent to start our new goals on the birth of Spring, when the energy is fresh and charged up, thus further catalyzing our own will power and drive to accomplish our goals and resolutions! So revisit your goals and wipe off the dust on your new years resolution list, its time to get to action! ![]() This would also be a great time for a group or personal ceremony, taking a look at the whole past year of your life, where you have been, where you have come to now, and where you are going. Take this opportunity to release all negative emotions, blockages, guilt, fear, shame, and anything else you may be holding on to! Empty your cup, empty your vessel, so you can invite in new and fresh energy into your life that will place you in the perfect place! Wake up with the sunrise of this year’s spring season, and use the “springing up” energy to send out your intentions and desired manifestations. For more information on how the Ancients revered this time, and more info on the spring equinox, follow these links below! http://belsebuub.com/articles/the-spiritual-meaning-of-the-spring-equinox http://www.mysticmamma.com/equinox-march-20th-2014-significance-meaning-and-energy-report/ http://www.motherearthliving.com/gardening/a-history-of-spring-traditions.aspx#axzz2wW7IyIZT http://www.isisinvestigations.com/Article_Vernal_Equinox.html Peace and Many Blessings Adrian Lobo ![]() What is Grounding? Grounding, or earthing, is the practice of connecting ones body with the Earth by touching skin to a natural conductive surface. This can be material such as natural water sources (the ocean, lakes, rivers, ect), grass, the ground, rocks, or any natural organic material. Grounding has a plethora of benefits such as:
-Reducing Inflammation -Improved Blood Circulation -Cardiovascular Health -Reduction of all forms of Pain -Reduction of Stress -Better, more restful Sleep -More natural Energy -Normalizing biological rhythms including the circadian rhythm -Shortens recovery time from injury and speeds up Healing -Supports adrenal health -and so much more |
ADRIAN LOBOI share articles and information regarding Health & Wellness, Holistic Living, Spirituality, Dance and Movement, Art, and my own personal Journey! Enjoy~ Archives
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