![]() Ever since the dawn of the Computer and Internet Revolution, we as a society have been blessed with communication, accessibility, and new technology that we have never seen before in human history. Yet with all these positive benefits are also a negative side as well. This revolution has also brought us in the Western world a much faster paced lifestyle, busier work schedules, and generally unhealthy lives. The average American spends 8 – 12 hours sitting in a chair, either watching TV, surfing the web, or driving a car. Obesity rates are sky rocketing, disease rates are increasing, people are more stressed than ever, and many westerners are suffering from Physical inactivity. Our technology is increasing faster than the human physiology can adapt too it and we are simply not designed to live a life that we are heading towards. In order to support this recent revolution of technology we will need a counter balance of health and wellness to keep us thriving and living healthy lives. With physical inactivity, lack of energy, and stress as the leading causing of death and disease, we can turn to the ancient practices of the yogi's, dao'ists, and modern day wellness practitioners to bring us back to health. Below are 4 ways one can do just that:
ADRIAN LOBOI share articles and information regarding Health & Wellness, Holistic Living, Spirituality, Dance and Movement, Art, and my own personal Journey! Enjoy~ Archives
August 2018
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