![]() People often flinch when they find out I'm a Scorpio. A Quadruple Scorpio at that! (Sun in Scorpio, Moon in Scorpio, Mercury in Scorpio, and Pluto in Scorpio) When it comes to Scorpio's, we often have a bad rep. Most people know us for our negative tendencies – Dark, Mysterious, Secretive, Cunning, Jealous, Possessive, Seductive, Vengeful, Distant, Cold, ect ect. We have our positive qualities too. Little do people know, Scorpio is actually the ONLY sign in the Zodiac that has another form! It is the Eagle, sometimes the Phoenix. The Eagle/Phoenix is a higher expression of Scorpio power. One who transcends from the crawling scorpion to the soaring Eagle, still predatory and carrying with them the essence of penetration and patience, is now capable of flight. This flight brings greater clarity and bridges the theme of destruction and renewal as a story of evolution. The Eagle represents clear vision,intelligence, power, majesty, and Freedom. To the Ancient Egyptians, the Scorpion (& Beetles) represented initiation into the Sacred Mysteries. They honored the Scorpion, as a dweller of the underworld, to be spiritually linked to the process of death, rebirth, and resurrection (similar to the Phoenix). “The Phoenix is the transformational symbol of Scorpio. Like the Eagle, in ancient times the Phoenix was a symbol of the Sun that was said to live for 500 years. At the end of its life it built a funeral pyre and burned in the flames, only to regenerate its progeny from those very flames. The Scorpio nature cannot run from the destruction of the fire of its emotional intensity, but within that fire is the secret of immortality and resurrection. Scorpio is a water sign but Mars bestows the essence of fire as well and with it the courage to enter the fire and become transformed.” At the first level of Scorpio energy, symbolized by the scorpion, the raw energy is thrust forth for protection, as retaliation from infringement. The scorpion “sting” is penetrating and deliberate. Sometimes, Scorpio is not conscious of its own power and the impact of its “stings.” When Scorpio's learn to control their stinger, transmuting their negative qualities into virtues, they then begin to blossom into the next form. The blossoming Scorpio represents the energy of survival that transforms itself anew, as symbolized by the Eagle(Thunderbird)/Phoenix of mythology, which emerges from the flames of transmutation. The Scorpio/Eagle will always have a Scorpio's basic traits. What makes them an Eagle is how they use those traits. While the earthbound Scorpio who is injured by another might brood and allow his bitterness and resentment to poison himself and his future relationships with others, the Eagle will still feel deep hurt but is able to heal himself and to not allow resentment and negative emotions destroy his life. The Eagle will transmute their intense emotions into a driving force for success & higher wisdom. Eagles don't need to prove it to anyone or rub it in any ones face – The Eagle only cares to know that it has won itself, and does it with grace. They have no need in "testing" others to prove if they are worthy of their attention and their trust. They use their power only for good purposes and the need to "sting" others is unnecessary as they have evolved much higher wisdom and compassion. Scorpio carries much power but power is easily corrupted. The Eagle has no use for a corruption of power as The Eagle knows that using power inappropriately is only creating new negative karma that will have to be balanced in another lifetime. Many Scorpio's have the ability to dive fearlessly into the darker emotions of the human psyche. Like the scorpion, the Scorpio personality prefers to crawl low to the grown, hiding in dark corners, hidden from sight, ready to sting and destroy if threatened in any way. This illustrates the influence of Mars on the earth-bound nature Scorpio, the aggressive intensity of rage and self-protection. The Eagle shares with the scorpion the ability to strike at a moment’s notice, but where the Scorpion’s journey is low to the ground the Eagle soars above the earth, proud and free. The Eagle has a probing eye that sees what others miss and like the Mars warrior, is very aware of the subtle dynamics of power. The essence of the Eagle is the clarity of insight & depth of penetration most Scorpios possess. With their Eagle's eyes, these illuminated Scorpios see what others miss. They discern hidden motives; they ferret out secret flaws and vulnerabilities. And yet they are not about exploiting others' weaknesses to their own advantage such as the lower Scorpio. Among Scorpio's most important tasks, astrologers say, are ridding themselves of the tendency to be judgmental and tempering their insight with compassion. Those who manage this difficult assignment manifest the virtues of the Phoenix, the redemptive third aspect of the sign. Like the Phoenix, Scorpios are survivors. Emotionally they may perish in the ashes of their own destructive nature. But they can also transcend and transform; they can bring forth from the ashes new and shining life. During this phase their intense perceptions will bend toward compassion & understanding, rather than judgment. Their eroticism will reach beyond passion, toward love. “The Phoenix type of Scorpio experiences many “little deaths” in its lifetime, because it’s here to transform itself, through an alchemical trial by fire, into a finer, more precious personal essence. The energy carried by this type can metamorphosize everyone it touches. These are some of the most powerful people on the planet, particularly emotionally.” Ideally, the transformation that occurs is one that purges them of their tendency to judge others while leaving their discernment intact. The phoenix represents the capacity for empathetic observation without judgment, and therefore the capacity for compassion Most Scorpio's tend to feel themselves on this spiritual quest of transformation, as their depth of minds are equally attracted to higher philosophy and depth psychology. Scorpios have the capacity for high spiritual development, but, astrologers say, their path toward it is the most difficult in the zodiac. They must be alchemists, transmuting dark nature and selfish impulse into purified desire, striving to discipline themselves and to curb and channel their great destructive power toward constructive ends. And thus the real meaning of Scorpio is shown. Scorpio is about metamorphosis. When Scorpio transforms the painful poisons of its shadow side, it can lead to a higher consciousness based on universal love. This potential is inherint in everyone, including all zodiac signs. All people have the ability to transcend their lower nature, into the Eagle/Phoenix of higher consciousness. Every person has their own unique journey to go through in life, yet we all share the opportunity for growth in every moment. May you rise like the Phoenix, and soar like the Eagle! Infinite Blessings Adrian lobo www.adrianlobo.net
3/25/2015 01:20:44 pm
Excellently Delineated! It's ALWAYS CRUCIAL that the Direction of Our ReTransformation(s) is Towards JUSTICE And THE ETERNAL TRUTH. May Trith and Goodness PREVEIL P E A C E
1/11/2020 06:13:49 pm
Im Scorpio i i was born on 11/21/1960 and yes i have all those wonderful things that are written.
gaurav arora
10/13/2020 08:47:24 am
Men, its not neccasary that u born in november and you are scorpio.
Dan the Man
2/19/2021 10:20:00 pm
This power is not given by birth date. It is earned through suffering. The transformation through alchemy. This power of the Eagle would otherwise be abused by those who do not suffering. For it is through suffering, we learn empathy and compassion. My Moon, Venus, Saturn, Jupiter, and Pluto are in Scorpio. Dare I say, I’m more Scorpio than you. I personally see the animal totems frequently during my stages of transformation of the course of many years. From the snake to the wolf to the eagle and now Phoenix. It was not easy and not without effort. You must feel and heal new level of your dark side to progress. In each stage. These qualities are earned not inherit by simply being an earth sign in Scorpio
The Astral Chariot
3/2/2024 03:16:30 am
Yes, Dan the Man is correct. It is through suffering and alchemy that the scorpion transforms into the eagle. You don’t automatically have these “traits” simply by being a Scorpio. I might add that this is something that any sign, any man can do. It’s not an astrology thing. I will leave you with that
8/16/2024 02:57:17 am
I am a definitely an elevated Scorpio, I am an empath that is well intuned to my senses and gut, to be right almost every time
1/6/2016 08:55:19 am
I'm absolutely blown bac on the way you passed this message apon us!bottom of my heart thank you for sharing beautiful inspiration!!peace love light my brother.
5/25/2016 10:41:51 am
Thank you for this, Adrian! I'm a quadruple Scorpio too, but in Sun, Moon, Mercury and Neptune, so I'm a little older than you! I recognize everything you mentioned in this post. Thank you for sharing it!
6/15/2016 03:11:43 am
beautiful piece.you have pierced my heart and shown me how a scorpio can achieve the great heights of spirituality by being non judgemental, compasasionate and following universal love.
8/10/2016 05:12:18 am
That's the best described words I've ever read about myself. Maybe I'm an Quadruple Scorpio my self.
3/7/2020 05:15:43 pm
Now all you have to do is transcend this Reality to experience higher consciousness
3/11/2024 08:51:21 am
U r Lucky , my transformation years was decades, last years metamorphopsis begun, following the totem line, with a load of hardships I am within wolf area now , get rid this grey lizard thing, hope one and for all. In the case of Anuradha , I can confirm that it takes more than forty years in order to start see the way clear from obstacles, I agree on this, for those who know the story with scorpionic energy. Scorpio moon intensity very very difficult to control it, but not impossible. for those who r still in earlier steps and struggle I would suggest that feel your emotions after revenge then u will start to c how useless it is,ego leads to guilt, suffering leads to heal and immunity, then u can feel the power see the world in a much more wide and deep scale, crystal clear ,soaring from, the sky, keep proud in check, to make the flight longer. After wolf stage when u learn to choose the battles, within the phoenix procedure eagle mode is on the horizon. The aim is phoenix itself .
3/11/2024 08:55:55 am
try to not take revenge, leave it to God.
3/29/2017 06:17:40 pm
Hi so basically you are sayin that rather than brooding over whoever hurt us or where we messed up a Scorpio should use that pain to motivate them to achieve the success they were seeking?
4/12/2017 02:25:59 am
yes people totally misunderstand scorpio. they are here for you to totally wake up . 1111
7/30/2017 01:40:56 pm
Can both female and male obtain the phoenix trait?
7/30/2017 02:04:17 pm
Can both genders be phoenix
7/30/2017 02:05:15 pm
Can you delete your own comment
Finster Morgenstern
11/10/2017 04:25:46 am
Good info. I learned of Scorpio as the Eagle in Eden Grey's Tarot Revealed. As the Eagle, Scorpio completes the astrological cross implied by the wheel of Ezekiel, which contains 4 celestial animals: the Leonine(Leo) the Bovine(Taurus)the Angel(Aquarius), and the Eagle. The garuda, mystic bird of Tibet and India, preys on the naga, the serpent, which denotes earthbound energy, the latent Kundalini, which my guru told me should be aroused by questions which we mentally form into pointed sticks, to poke the snake and make it rise through the chakras. The Eagle is perhaps the ultimate pointed stick, as it grabs the serpent, forcing it to ascend, to evolve into higher consciousness. This indicates Scorpio as investigator, asking questions and finding answers. The Mexican flag depicts an eagle attacking a snake, which was a sign prophesied as to where the Capitol of Mexico should be. I am Libra, Scorpio rising, so I think also of Quetzalcoatl, the plumed serpent, who civilized Mexico, and is the personification of the Morningstar, Venus. By the way," ect." is a common mistake in abbreviation. It should be etc., for et cetera, Latin for "and others".
T Faulkner
11/20/2021 08:55:16 pm
Very interesting! My Rising is Scorpio as well. My Venus sign is Libra oh, my sun is Leo, my moon is Taurus and my North Node is Aquarius.
9/4/2018 04:34:05 am
Today I Susanna also scorpio sign born on November 7th had this beautiful dream. That a phoenix was flying around the full moon. It was so beautiful to watch. Thanks
9/12/2019 08:29:07 am
I’m a Scorpio born November 7th too!
12/13/2019 05:27:08 pm
I also had a vision similar to this . After intently meditating to gain a solid connection to the astral i asked the entities that seem to accompany me about more information on what I can only describe has a spiritual war or atleast the culmination of the current spiritual shifts happeninf in the ALL I awakened to a black nether the feminine the uniform formlessness has I looked up I could see the ALLs core or the chaotic form I began to look the for the entity which so graciously answered my question the on the far horizon space is a funny subject in these realms i I could discern with to the best of my ability a Red hawk moon ( a huge red moon that started at one horizon and cycled around once reaching its origin it began to descened becoming a writhing black scorpion or snake more of a ethereal black energy the eagle manifested from the black mass and swooped down to purify the choatic energy the golden glow intensified has this bird descended it burst in to a brilliant light a beautiful fire enveloped this magnificent being and it turned to smoke which disapated into a white and black wolf struggling from which the white wolf was victorious it looked directly at me.and I could just barely perceive new entities watching from the formlessness I thanked
Jessie Wade Phillips
6/8/2020 04:50:12 am
Dmt im guessing I have so many planets in Scorpio. Sun, Mercury, Neptune, Venus and Mars! An astrology teacher of mine said she had never seen that before. So very scorpioish lol. I feel I'm balanced though as I am a Leo rising and a Taurus moon. I'm glad to see others who have lots of planets in Scorpio in the comments here. I found this article after looking up Scorpio/ Eagle energy. I just experienced an eagle flying over my head after doing my new practice of Qigong on the beach of Lake Superior where my guy and I were camping. I had just said thank you to the Lake and to the Divine and wild energies of this beautiful place. Such an amazing experience! Thank you Adrian for this insightful writing about this energy of Scorpio. I've checked out your work on Instagram and see you embody this energy in your work. Thank you for bringing that into the world 💓💓💓
3/16/2019 01:15:11 pm
Excellent article! Thank you!
5/23/2019 08:37:35 pm
I resonate with this so much! I have venus, mars and uranus in scorpio. Libra sun, moon in sag. I felt as if you were describing me and my journey. Both my mom and. Sister are scopio. Suns with leo moon and libra in venus. The 3 of us are so close to each other and share similar views/values. Thank you for this message. It made me realize how lucky I am to have family members who can be close to me and share these powerful scorpio traits.
Lucas Isengard
6/9/2019 12:23:53 am
I have my Sun, Mercury, Mars, Pluto and ASC all in Scorpio. I don’t know whether that’ll mean a good life or a bad one, but damn has this journey been difficult.
6/9/2019 12:45:55 pm
Thanks for this most interesting article. Like many Scorpios, I have been struggling between my scorpion and eagle traits for years. In my 20's I began my spiritual journey, and while it was cool for a little while I overloaded myself on research, became confused on 'the truth', and what came my way—in terms of my life path and potential future—scared the shit out of me, so I shutdown and went into full dark-scorpion mode. It has been years of hiding and struggling, to stay afloat and continue on. Thanks to stubbornness and self-love for keeping me from giving up on myself. Now I am 50yrs and am finally ready to emerge as the eagle. I am literally in the midst of the phoenix stage, unmanifesting myself from the scorpion and choosing to manifest myself as the eagle. I am now becoming heart centered and finding my purpose. It is an exciting time in my life, finally prepared to face and know who I really am, and to fulfill my purpose. I say to all who are struggling: it isn't easy but it's worth it—you are worth it; carry on. Once again, thank you, Adrian for taking the time to share this valuable information. All the best. (Note: Oct 25/68)
7/2/2019 10:37:54 am
Adrian I’m just like you a quadruple Scorpio with placements on the same planets. Majority of my houses are on 11 and 12 and north node on 4th- my ascendente is Capricorn. Just sharing as I’m wondering if we have any other similarities. I was born on 11/19/1987 in Brazil. Sending you blessings fellow Scorpio
10/23/2019 01:31:54 pm
Really nice article, I'm sixfold Scorpio. It means have 6 planets in Scorpio; Sum Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Uranus.
1/10/2020 10:54:58 am
Beautiful! And perfect. Thank you
8/7/2020 06:33:52 am
This article is so beautiful and TRUE! I cried while reading this, I've never felt so explained before... I'm a scorpio, Nov 12th. I've experienced so many off those things u spoke about if not all, I feel as if I display so many of those traits but I can choose which I am depending on the setting and people around me.. I feel as if I'm still discovering myself or finding back my true self, as I was in a state of depression after losing my close sibling 9 years ago.
9/2/2020 07:43:34 am
Just stumbled across this by coincidence but we share the same birthday!
Caroline Paul
8/18/2020 03:33:24 pm
Hello, When I read your statement "A Quadruple Scorpio" I felt that I had to share.... I am a Quintuple Scorpio. With Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Neptune in Scorpio. I don't know what your experience has been, but mine has given me much turmoil throughout my life until I grew as a person and cut the people out of my life that were Mentally cruel to me.
10/22/2020 02:03:09 pm
I'd love to know the sources for any of this. Particularly, who first claimed that the phoenix is a symbol of the scorpio sign? I mean it disnt just come out of the sky. A human said it, and I'm wondering if you know who! Thanks!!! Best wishes, J
11/10/2020 07:03:53 pm
This is so point on...I now realize...I used to be so judgmental after coming out of a thing...and I never realized what it meant to have "issues" per se...thank you.♥️
5/4/2021 11:48:31 pm
I'm a quadruple Scorpio too. Sun, moon, Venus and Neptune.
8/7/2021 09:00:30 am
I've just been through something my whole life I've always had one wing in the fire go to speak. I've struggled in my relationships and in my career. But I have always helped others more then what I've received. Often times been took advantage of and mistreated. I had red hair at birth it's brown now starting to get my gray. My eye color was Brown but over the years now it's Hazel. My sex life has always been so amazing words simply couldn't explain it. And I reached all new level with my sex partners here recenty. That why I'm here reading this searching for some answers. My grandfather died 9 months after I was born. I just said I'm a full believer I look at this maybe like someone's favorite TV show or something. But it is a mystery and there's a lot of similarity that I matched up to. I'm interested that's for sure. But I know to take this with a grain of salt. I've always felt I was going to matter to something one day always had high hopes very optimistic.
8/26/2021 10:56:00 pm
I'm leo, but that's not important, I believe not matter your zodiac reading, you are a PHOENIX, because we all go through shit and come out of it strong😘
I’m also mostly Scorpio (Sun, Saturn, Venus, Pluto) but also Sagittarius (Moon, Mercury, Uranus). This article very much spoke to me and how Im obsessed in wanting to expand into Eagle. Is love to hear more about the Archer side! It’s great to know there’s more stellium Scorpios out there thinking about this!
Samneet Singh Wilkhoo
10/3/2021 10:53:53 am
Were you born near the time of Eclipse ?
11/4/2021 04:46:22 pm
I was born Octkber 31, 1972. Odd & scary perhaps. I would love to learn more on the quadruple Scorpio. How do you know? Is there a link to learn more?
Tracy Hill
1/18/2022 04:09:50 pm
Sat on the grass as an 7 yr old child at school, my mum would walk past at play time and wonder why I never played with other kids. She became so worried she thought I needed councelling. I didn't, !!. I was allready a well adjusted phoenix even at that age. Meditation , just sitting in peace and quiet for long periods brings the phoenix out. My whole life has been a struggle but I'm happy, caring for others altruistically is how I have always led my life, even through immense loss. Silence is definitely golden ! and healing 🥰
yeahhh boi
3/15/2022 03:19:02 pm
This is really, really good. I'm double scorpio myself. And just after readingthisand just trying to implement this, I already feel so much better
3/25/2022 05:36:11 am
i was born november 14 always wanted to know about myself i know i was different from a lot of people as i never take anything at surface level i have been through hell and back so many times (no one knows this but me) refused to see a psychiatrist as i know i was not crazy ...wish i had these info earlier in life any way i am in my phoenix stage for many years now, had some great times but the scorpion is very much there when i encounter certain people(i try to keep away from .... thanks for sharing it helps a lot.....
Louise Parker
4/11/2022 07:36:41 am
Dr Eziza, is a powerful spell caster. as a spell caster, he do all readings.
morgan dahlquist bertholdsson
4/27/2022 05:31:14 am
Thank you so much, I found this very helpful and very comforting. It has given me more insight and trust in myself. I have died many times and I am now 36 years old. Feels like Im ready for the next level. After meeting my wife I have come more close to zodiac sign and find it very interesting. The journey for getting my negative qualities into virtues and spiritual development will be of great importance. Thank you
Mark S Danko
6/13/2022 06:12:08 am
Oct 31st, with 8 Scorpio placements in my chart. Sun, Rising ,Venus,Mercury,Saturn, Ceres, Pallas and Lilith.
9/16/2022 10:31:51 pm
This was beautifully written and I will cite it in my upcoming post.
5/22/2023 10:10:21 am
I recently came across your website while searching for the <ahref =”http://venkatswami.com/” > best Indian astrologer in the USA, </a> and I must say I was truly impressed with your services. As someone who has always been fascinated by astrology and sought guidance in life's various aspects, finding an expert like you has been a real blessing.
6/8/2023 12:47:28 pm
Caelan Z.
11/8/2023 07:04:10 am
I am Sun, Venus, Mars, and Pluto in Scorpio ♏♏♏♏
Caelan Z.
11/8/2023 07:07:43 am
Oops, I meant Sun, Venus, Jupiter, and Pluto haha, I'm pretty tired, been a long one today and tonight.. d: Also, my true bode is in Scorpio as well, if that means anything 👍
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