![]() Ever since the dawn of the Computer and Internet Revolution, we as a society have been blessed with communication, accessibility, and new technology that we have never seen before in human history. Yet with all these positive benefits are also a negative side as well. This revolution has also brought us in the Western world a much faster paced lifestyle, busier work schedules, and generally unhealthy lives. The average American spends 8 – 12 hours sitting in a chair, either watching TV, surfing the web, or driving a car. Obesity rates are sky rocketing, disease rates are increasing, people are more stressed than ever, and many westerners are suffering from Physical inactivity. Our technology is increasing faster than the human physiology can adapt too it and we are simply not designed to live a life that we are heading towards. In order to support this recent revolution of technology we will need a counter balance of health and wellness to keep us thriving and living healthy lives. With physical inactivity, lack of energy, and stress as the leading causing of death and disease, we can turn to the ancient practices of the yogi's, dao'ists, and modern day wellness practitioners to bring us back to health. Below are 4 ways one can do just that: ![]() Breath-work Let us never forget the power of breathing. When we increase oxygen to our brain, blood circulates better, free radicals release, stress is dwindled and a calm peaceful state can be cultivated. Having a breathing practice throughout the day is vital to ones overall health. Deep abdominal breathing is the best to start with. Start by expelling all the existing oxygen in your lungs. Then take a deep inhale, expanding the abdomen so that the oxygen reaches on the lowest part of the lungs. Inhale slowly until the lungs are fully expanded, and hold the breathe at the top of the lungs for 5 counts. Then exhale steadily and completely all the way at the bottom of the lungs, and hold on empty for another 5 counts. This will be considered one rep. One can do this rep 10 – 20 times throughout the day either in stressful situations, or when one is waiting. Huge benefits can be experienced with diligent practice. ![]() Earthing Also known as Grounding, this technique is done when one removes their shoes and allows their bare naked feet to touch the Earth (Grass, dirt, water, or concrete) for at least 15 minutes and can be done up to an hour or more. This has been scientifically proven to reduce the amount of positive ions in the body (which are the source of stress and frustration), releasing them into the earth through the soles of the feet, and in taking negative ions from the Earth (which are the source of happiness, peace, and well being). One may be surprised that any amount of stress, tension and frustration can be easily done away with when one takes an hour walk barefoot on the Earth. ![]() Hip Openers In this age of computers, cars, and televisions, our days are mostly revolved around sitting in a chair of sorts. The human body is not designed to sit in a chair and it has horrible effects on our psoas muscles, lower back, and legs. One can easily remedy this by keeping a keen awareness on how many hours are spent sitting, and placing in a practice of hip opening stretches for 10-15 minutes in between each couple of hours of sitting. Stretches like the butterfly and the squat do wonders for the hips and lower backs if one wants to stretch and work at the same time. During down time, stretches like the lunge, child’s pose, downward dog, and psoas release are also great to keep the hips open and flexible. Maintaining hip flexibility and openness is paramount to having a peaceful and healthy life. Studies in alternative medicine show that the hips is where we store all of our stresses concerning financial issues, self esteem issues, and family issues. If you would like more information on how to apply these movements, and other techniques to naturally increase your energy, visit: /movement-for-wellness.html ![]() Clearing Constipation One of the leading causes of lack of energy is constipation and an unhealthy digestive system. When our body is digesting food, 80% of the bodies energies are focused directly on getting that food moving through the body, which does not keep us at an optimal state of energy. Western Society is notorious for its fast food chain restaurants, big servings of food, and eating on the go which does not allow us to fully digest all the food and nutrients that we need to. Many people are also very dehydrated which causes the intestines to dry up therefore causing constipation and stagnancy. With this then comes bigger bellies, increased fat, a much more stress on the body and mind. A simple and effective remedy for this is Coconut Oil. Waking up in the morning and taking in 2 tablespoons of coconut oil every day is extremely beneficial to the digestive system, it lubes up the intestines and moves out stuck food in the bowels. Also, always having a good source of water everyday with a big water bottle at your side is also extremely beneficial. It is very important for us as a society to start moving away from soft drinks and sports drinks, and return back to drinking fresh clean water. Adding each of these practices every day to your already busy life will substantially decrease stress, increase energy and happiness in ones entire being. They are simple, easy to do, and do not require a lot of time in our hectic schedules. Try them out and write us an email describing how your life has changed, we look forward too it!
1/28/2014 02:02:45 am
very informative and well written article. I liked that you included some simple practices for each area you disscussed. I would like to share this with my students. thank you. I like steel cut oats for digestion as well.;)
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ADRIAN LOBOI share articles and information regarding Health & Wellness, Holistic Living, Spirituality, Dance and Movement, Art, and my own personal Journey! Enjoy~ Archives
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